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ISO 22301 Business Continuity

ISO 22301 (Security and resilience - Business continuity management systems - Requirements) Overview

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent non-governmental organization and is the world's largest voluntary international standard developer. ISO has formed the TC 223 Social Security Technology Committee to develop standards to protect society, including organizations, in the event of disasters such as disasters, major terrorist attacks, or suspension of power grids. ISO 22301:2012 issued by the technical committee in 2012, is the first international standard for management systems to help ensure business continuity. ISO 22301 is an advanced standard for business continuity, and its certification demonstrates that it complies with strict practices to prevent, mitigate, respond and recover divisive incidents.
ISO 22301 (Security and resilience - Business continuity management systems - Requirements) Feature and backgrounds
With the risk of terrorism and natural disasters, including the sinking of the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk on August 12, 2000, and the 911 terrorist attack in 2001, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) began standardization in the field of social safety.
As a result, ISO 22301 (Business Continuity Management System-Requirements) International Standard was published on May 15, 2012, and Korea also established the KSA 22301 (Social Safety-Business Continuity Management System-Requirements) national standards on February 19, 2013.
ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) can meet the needs of private companies that require securing social safety in the public sector and procuring parts from partners.

ISO 22301 (Security and resilience - Business continuity management systems - Requirements) Contents

No. Title
4 Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
4.3 Determining the scope of the business continuity management system
4.4 Business continuity management system
5 Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
5.2 Policy
5.3 Roles, responsibilities and authorities
6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
6.2 Business continuity objectives and planning to achieve them
6.3 Planning changes to the business continuity management system
7 Support
7.1 Resources
7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness
7.4 Communication
7.5 Documented information
8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control
8.2 Business impact analysis and risk assessment
8.3 Business continuity strategies and solutions
8.4 Business continuity plans and procedures
8.5 Exercise programme
8.6 Evaluation of business continuity documentation and capabilities
9 Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation
9.2 Internal audit
9.3 Management review
10 Improvement
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective action
10.2 Continual improvement

ISO 22301 (Security and resilience - Business continuity management systems - Requirements) Introduction Effectiveness and Necessity

  • 1. Minimize risk and confusion
    ISO 22301 certification helps identify and minimize major risks to prevent accident threats in advance. By identifying potential risks and preparing for unexpected situations, downtime can be minimized by responding quickly in the event of an accident.
    2. Consistent service and reputation
    ISO 22301 certification ensures that control and processes are implemented to maintain "daily work" activities in the event of a disaster and creates a safe work environment for employees. It also protects your brand's reputation by ensuring that clients receive the level of service they expect from your brand.
    3. Client trust and new business opportunities.
    Implementing a business continuity management system can build trust from clients and stakeholders and maintain a competitive advantage when bidding for new contracts.
The U.S Certification Body is constantly striving to become a company of client satisfaction by securing sincere and experienced judges so that domestic and foreign companies can implement ISO 22301, which is internationally recognized. In addition, through the ISO 22301 program of the U.S. Certification Institute, you can pioneer the global market by improving international awareness and improve marketability by satisfying requirements and improving product reliability.